Bootstrap Wellbeing In-Queeries
You are ENOUGH. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are not broken. You don't need fixing. And as hell, you are not what heteronormative society labels you with. Welcome to Bootstrap Wellbeing In-Queeries podcast. I'm coach Aga and I am a queer wellbeing coach whose passion is to help LGBTQ+ community and a beautiful soul just like you to gain clarity on your thoughts, beliefs and fears so you can design and create the life you truly want and desire. A life that is balanced, abundant, harmonious; one that does not conform to society labels, acceptable boxes or acceptable norms. In every episode, I will share with you "queered" tips, tricks and techniques for you to get out there and make it happen. So, if this is your cup of tea, let's brew it together, gorgeous !!!
Podcasting since 2021 • 13 episodes
Bootstrap Wellbeing In-Queeries
Latest Episodes
Episode 013: Your queerness is a GIFT!
The way I see it is that those with an infinite mindset are VISIONARIES. Their minds are not limited by what already exists. They see and experience the world differently. They are creatives. They break the status quo, they go against the gr...
Season 1
Episode 13
Episode 012: You Were Not Born to Fit In. You Were Born to Stand Out. How to Craft a Powerful Deeper Purpose in 3 Simple Steps.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to craft their life’s purpose is confusing it for their passion or their talents. But it’s neither of these. However, your passion and your talents, the things that you are really ...
Season 1
Episode 12
Episode 011: Why Self-Compassion is BETTER than Self-Acceptance
If you still struggle with being unhappy in your life, or you beat yourself up when someone criticizes or judges you, chances are you were told to “just be yourself” or “accept yourself just the way you are.” And that might be the worst a...
Season 1
Episode 11
Episode 010: How Did the Flag Become a Symbol of LGBTQ+ Pride
A flag is more than just a flag. It brings people together as it represents their common value, common goal and unity for just cause. Hope. Peace. Inclusivity. Equality. Freedom. Legacy. Integrity. Purity. It was no different with...
Season 1
Episode 10
Episode 009: How LGBTQ+ Community Came to be Known As Such
It's PRIDE MONTH, y'all !!!! What I stand for and what I believe is that we all are called to help the heteronormative society understand that we are not a threat to their reality, beliefs and existence and that by allowing us int...
Season 1
Episode 9