Bootstrap Wellbeing In-Queeries

Episode 006: From Disconnected Queer Perfectionist to Spirited Queer Imperfectionist - Story of My Life

Aga Starkowska Season 1 Episode 6

This is the first time I am sharing the story of how I became the disconnected queer perfectionist at a very young age, how I lived with that identity for more than 30 years of my life and how I finally, and very recently, stripped that perfectionism armor and felt REAL, enough and worthy for the first time ever.

If you enjoy this episode and it resonates, I'd be pumped to hear about it, especially what strikes you the most. Take a screenshot of you listening to the episode on your device, post it to your FB and / or IG stories and tag me @coachagastarkowska.

Social media tags and handles:

FB: Coach Aga Starkowska

'GRAM: Coach Aga Starkowska
